Jolanda ZWOFERINKJolanda Zwoferink is born in 1969 in Leersum (Utrecht, Holland). She has made first organ studies with her father, Lambert Zwoferink. In Rotterdam and Tilbourg, she studied with Arie J. Keijzer, Folkert Grondsma and Bram Beekman. She acquired the following certificates : certificate of Execution, First Price of organ and the licence ‘ Musique Liturgique ‘.

Conducted by Charles de Wolff (symphonic writings), Olivier Latry and Hans-Ola Ericsson in Notre-Dame of Paris (Messiaen) and Naji Hakim (St-Trinidad, Paris). she participated in different improvers’ courses.

She is the organist and choirmaster in Rotterdam (Prinsekerk, organ of J.F. Witte, on 1877) and in Krimpen aan den IJssel (organ of J. Proper, on 1891).

Jolanda Zwoferink gives concerts in Holland and abroad; she is professor of organ and piano in Rotterdam.

Jolanda ZWOFERINK - Chartres 2008

Jolanda ZWOFERINK – Chartres 2008