Born in 1989, Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas studies the organ with François Espinasse, Willem Jansen, Michel Bourcier and Liesbeth Schlumberger. He also studies the harpsichord with Yves Rechsteiner and Catherine Latzarus, and the composition with Jean-Baptiste Robin. He is awarded a Master of the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon. He has the opportunity to work with differents famous teacher like Louis Robilliard, Wolfgang Zerer, Loïc Mallié…
In 2009, he is the prize-winner of the “Grand-Prix d’orgue Jean-Louis Florentz, Académie des Beaux-Arts” in the Cathedral of Angers, France. Then in September 2011, he is the first prize-winner of the “Gottfried-Silbermann orgelwettbewerb” in Freiberg, Deutschland.
In 2009, he created the baroque ensemble “Les Surprises”, wich play French and German music of the XVII° and the XVIII° century’s. With this ensemble, he plays differents concerts in Holland, France and Italy. Varying the musical experiments, he occurs in soloist (France, Deutschland, Italy… ), and with baroque ensemble, or with choirs, or in theatrical show. He also plays with the “Orchestre d’Auvergne” conduct by Arie van Beek.
In 2009, he was the harpsichordist of the “Orchestre Français des Jeunes Baroques”, leading by Paul Agnew, then in 2010 he performed with the “Académie Baroque Européenne d’Ambronay” conduct by Hervé Niquet.