Born in 1985 in Tokyo, Mari Mihara begins hie studies of piano at the age of five and begins the organ with M Kazuo Kohno at the age of 13.
In 2002 she is admitted in the university of Tohoku Gakuin in the class of Mrs Naoko Imaï, then integrates the university of the Arts of Tokyo in 2004 where she works in the department of organ with Rie Hiroe (who obtained Grand Prix of Chartres in 1998). Holder in 2008 of the licence of organ summa cum lande in 2008 of the University of the Arts, she obtains the Prize ‘Ataka” and the Prize ‘Acanthus’.
From 2009 she perfects in academies and Master’s classes with the French organists Michel Bouvard, François Espinasse, Éric Lebrun, Olivier Latry, Christophe Mantoux .
In 2011 she obtains her Master’s degree in Tokyo, and since she follows the teaching of Erwan Le Prado to the Conservatoire of Caen.
In 2012 Mari Mihara wins Grand Prix of Interpretation of the international competition of organ of Chartres. As winner of that competition Marl Mihara gives a lot of concerts in the world.